Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration is part of everyone's development and learning, and it plays a critical role in helping people participate in everyday life.

Sensory Integration Therapy (SI) is a research-based intervention approach designed to help children with sensory processing difficulties. SI sessions are play-oriented and child-driven and involve the use of specialised techniques and sensory equipment such as swings, trapeze, and therapy balls. The aim is to support children who struggle with correctly processing sensory input and to help them function effectively and meaningfully engage with their surroundings. SI can address challenges with attention and emotional regulation, transitions, executive function skills, getting ready to learn, and optimal participation in day-to-day activities.

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Inspiring potential -
for all

What is Sensory Integration Therapy and how can it help my child?

Sensory Integration Therapy is a research-based intervention designed to assist children with sensory processing difficulties. By incorporating play-oriented and child-driven therapy sessions, along with specialised techniques and sensory equipment such as swings, trapeze, and therapy balls, this therapy aims to help children better cope with sensory input challenges. It can lead to outcomes such as calming an anxious child, improving attention and emotional regulation, enhancing transitions, and developing executive function skills, ultimately enabling children to participate more effectively in daily activities.

How can I determine whether my child will benefit from Sensory Integration Therapy?

Sensory integration is the way our brain receives, organises, interprets, and responds to sensory input to engage with our surroundings. There are several signs that may indicate that a child is struggling with sensory processing/integration. Your child might:

  • Show heightened reactivity to sound, touch, or movement.
  • Be under-reactive to certain sensations (e.g. not noticing their name being called, being touched, high pain threshold).
  • Appear lethargic/disinterested; appear to mostly be in their ‘own world’.
  • Have difficulty regulating their own behavioural and emotional responses: increased tantrums, emotional reactiveness, need for control, impulsive behaviours, easily frustrated, or overly compliant.
  • Be easily distracted; show poor attention and concentration.
  • Have poor sleep patterns.
  • Display restricted eating habits or be a picky eater.
  • Love movement; seek out intense pressure (e.g. constant spinning, running around, jumping, crashing into objects/people).
  • Avoid movement based equipment (e.g. swings, slides).
  • Perform tasks with too much force, have big movements, move too fast, and write too lightly or too hard.
  • Prefer to play on their own or have difficulty in knowing how to play with other children.
  • Have difficulty accepting changes in routine or transitioning between tasks.
  • Have difficulty engaging with peers and sustaining friendships.
Is Sensory Integration Therapy suitable for children of all ages?

Sensory Integration Therapy can be beneficial for children of various ages who experience sensory processing difficulties. Therapists tailor the approach to meet the individual needs and developmental stage of each child, ensuring that the therapy is both effective and engaging.