Our Inspiration



Soon after Yuvraj was born, he was diagnosed with multiple disabilities in 2001. Seeing the lack of quality programmes and services in India, Indira and her family moved to the US and lived there for close to 10 years. She consulted with world-class educators, therapists, nutritionists, and clinicians in her time there and Yuvraj made tremendous progress. Yuvraj received holistic multidisciplinary support across different areas such as physical therapy, social-emotional learning, vision therapy, and nutrition. More than the therapeutic support, what allowed Yuvraj to become an independent adult was the collaborative work of a team that ensured their goals were aligned to his specific needs and that also collaborated with Indira to provide Yuvraj with opportunities to generalise his skills to various settings. Today, Yuvraj loves music, movies, and cooking, and he thrives on spending time with his friends.
Through The Gateway Intervention Centre, we hope to provide families with a one-stop shop where different therapists work together in collaboration with the family to curate intervention and enrichment programmes for individuals.
